Reference: Re: JMP> Structuring of the PWG enterprise OID tree
Hi folks, Wednesday (3 December 1997)
Jay kind of distorted the form of the Internet OID tree. Note that all
IETF standards track projects start out at 'experimental' (which is
'internet 3') and then move over (at Proposed Standard stage) to 'mgmt'
(which is 'internet 2'). The space is NOT flat under 'internet' (which
is 'iso(1) org(3) dod(6) 1'). Some 'internet' branches (see RFC 1902):
directory OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 1 }
mgmt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 2 }
mib-2 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mgmt 1 }
experimental OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 3 }
private OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 4 }
enterprises OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { private 1 }
security OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { internet 5 }
I suggest that we avoid using the arc 'experimental' in the PWG tree, to
avoid confusion with the full OID 'experimental' in the Internet tree.
I still recommend that the Job Mon MIB module OIDs be:
enterprises pwg(2699) pwgstandard(1) jobmon(1)
enterprises pwg(2699) pwgexperimental(2) jobmon(1)
I also recommend that the next draft be 'pwgexperimental(2) jobmon(1)',
because the dust hasn't settled yet in the IESG on IPP and alignment
with the PWG Job Mon MIB v1.0 is highly desirable.
- Ira McDonald