I have uploaded the conference call minutes from yesterday's
call (1/29/97). They are available on the ftp directory in
/pub/pwg/ipp/minutes as follows:
For the computationally challenged (i.e. those who can't
deal with any of the above file types) I have attached
a text version to this note. It is hard to read and ugly
Internet Printing Project
Conference Call - January 29, 1997
The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM EST.
Mabry Dozier - QMS
Jeff Copeland - QMS
Lee Ferrell - Canon
Bob Herriott - Sun
Carl-Uno Manros - Xerox
Tom Hastings - Xerox
Roger Debry - IBM
Peter Zehler - Zerox
Randy Turner - Sharp
Jim Walker - Dazel
Don Wright - Lexmark
* Feedback from WEBDAV meeting
* No negative feedback on Charter as per Keith Moore
* Netscape has expressed interest in joining us for the 2/6 meeting
* MIME - discussion with one of the MIME experts at meeting
* WEBDAV probably will not use MIME except HTTP MIME
* We could do the same
* The W3C enhancements to CSS for printing were discussed at the WEBDAV
They have no interest in using these.
* Requirement and Scenarios
* IPP should not contain things that are not in a scenario
* We will indicate in the requirements/scenarios things that won't be
addressed in IPP
* Reviewed the closed items in the IPP REQ Issues list
* #17 - re-open, requirements document needs to identify notification means
* #19 - flag in requirements document that HOLD/RELEASE is not in V1
* Reviewed open issues
* #11 - added to scenarios
* #14 - closed - not in V1
* #15 - closed - outside scope of IPP
* #21 - add examples
* #22 - need requirements statement and then passed to the Directory & Model
* #28 - close, that was the intent of scenario 2.1
* #31 - close - scenario modified
* #33, 34, 35 - close - added to scenarios
* #42 - close - clarified
* #43 - close - scenario added
* #44 - close - scenario added
* #45 - close - e-mail removed, generic asynchronous response
* #46, 47 - close - done
- New Issues and Scenarios documents will be posted 1/30/97
* Model and Semantics
* Bob Herriott and Tom Hastings will have a report at the 2/6 meeting
* Bob reviewed several of the issues being addressed
* A Model/Semantics issues list will be created to track issues
* Directory
* List of issues from Keith Carter
* Some of the scenarios make the need to move on this more pressing
* Need a WHIP for now, Isaacson won't be available until Models is done.
* Protocol
* Roger will be updating Protocol White Paper by 1/30/97
* IPP Meeting Agenda
* Microsoft Presentation
* Wind up Scenario discussion
* Model/Semantics
* Protocol
* Other sub-groups
* Modeling Sub-group meeting on Wednesday PM at Sun
An e-mail was distributed today announcing that the IETF has chartered the
Internet FAX working group.
The meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM
* Don Wright (don at lexmark.com) Lexmark International *
* Manager Strategic Alliances *
* 740 New Circle Rd Phone: 606-232-4808 *
* Lexington, KY 40511 Fax: 606-232-6740 *