my responses to the PrtChannelType values I was assigned:
-- prtChannelInformation keywords:
-- Print Server name
-- Keyword: "PServer"
-- Syntax: Name
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Single
-- Description: The PServer's SAP name
-- Printer number
-- Keyword: "Printer"
-- Syntax: Integer
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Single
-- Description: The printer number
-- There must be exactly one PServer and one Printer
-- prtChannelInformation keywords:
-- Server name
-- Keyword: "Server"
-- Syntax: Name
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Single
-- Description: The name of the server where the queue
-- Queue
-- Name: "Queue"
-- Syntax: Name
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Single
-- Description: The name of the queue on that server
-- NDS Tree
-- Keyword: "NDSTree"
-- Syntax: Name
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Multiple
-- Description: The NDS Tree SAP name
-- NDS Queue
-- Keyword: "NDSQueue"
-- Syntax: Name
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Single
-- Description: The name of the Queue object in the
associated NDS Tree
-- There must be exactly one Server and one Queue entry
or exactly one
-- NDSTree and one NDSQueue entry.
-- prtChannelInformation keywords:
-- Network number
-- Keyword: "Net"
-- Syntax: HexString
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Single
-- Description: The Network number
-- Node number
-- Keyword: "Node"
-- Syntax: HexString
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Single
-- Description: The Node number
-- Socket number
-- Keyword: "Socket"
-- Syntax: HexString
-- Status: Mandatory
-- Multiplicity: Single
-- Description: The Socket number
-- There must be exactly one Net and one Node and one
-- Socket entry. A HexString is a binary value
-- as a string of ASCII characters using hexa-decimal
Scott A. Isaacson
Print Services Consulting Engineer
Novell Inc., 122 E 1700 S, Provo, UT 84606
V: (801) 861-7366, (800) 453-1267 x17366
F: (801) 861-4025, E: scott_isaacson at