Following is a draft of the proposed new Printer MIB object describing
changes to the set of critical alerts (only) in the Alert Table, as
discussed at the recent PWG July meeting.
prtCriticalAlertChanges OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
MIN-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Counts the changes made to the Alert Table in a manner
similar to the prtAlertTableChanges object, but only for
alerts classified as being critical alerts. This value is
incremented whenever a crtical alert entry is added to or
removed from the table, or if an existing critical alert
entry is changed in any way. By monitoring this object a
management application should be able to quickly and
decisively determine when the set of critical alerts in
the Alert Table has changed; upon recognizing a change,
the application should acquire the complete Alert Table to
determine the precise nature of the change."
::= { prtGeneralEntry 17 }
Note carefully that I've placed this object in the prtGeneral Group.
This was chosen to reflect similar kinds of info already existing in
the General Group, although I don't really care where it goes in the
MIB. (Is it legal/tasteful to put this object as a peer to an "Entry"
definition within a Table? Or as a peer to the Table? For example,
"{ prtAlertTable 3 }" or "{ prtAlert 3}" ??)
Any help on improving the DESCRIPTION clause would be appreciated!