The Hyatt hotel has not set up the PWG reservation correctly. It is
currently not possible to make a reservation with the PWG group
I just tried making a reservation at the Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf for the
July IPP meeting.
I followed the instructions and called the 800 number. They said the group
was sold out and then said that I had to call the hotel to make a
reservation under the PWG group.
I called the hotel and was told that I had to make reservations directly
with Cindy Tiritilli (IEEE)and that she would forward the reservation to the
hotel. They would not take my reservation. So clearly the hotel is confused.
In the future, I suggest that someone from the IEEE make a test reservation
just before sending out the announcement to see if the hotel has set things
up properly. Based on my experience, there will probably be mistakes more
often than not.
Bob Herriot
-----Original Message-----
From: Cindy Tiritilli [mailto:c.tiritilli at]
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 3:14 PM
To: pwg-announce at
Subject: PWG-ANNOUNCE> PWG Meeting Announcement
Importance: High
The correct telephone number for the Hyatt's Reservation Center is
The arrangements have been finalized for the July 10-14, 2000 PWG Meeting
in San Francisco, CA.
When: July 10-14, 2000
Where: Hyatt at Fisherman's Wharf
555 North Point Street
San Francisco, CA
tel: (415) 563-1234
fax: (415) 563-2218
Hotel Cost: $205/night, single or double occupancy.
Reservations: Please call the Hyatt's Reservation Center at 1-800-233-1234
to reserve your sleeping room.
All attendees are responsible for making their own hotel
reservations. When making your reservation, the meeting
will be listed under "PWG". A limited number of rooms
is being held for the nights of July 9th and 14th if you
wish to extend your stay at the PWG rate.
Deadline: Please make your reservations by Monday, 19 June, 2000
to guarantee space will be available, and to ensure you
receive the negotiated rate. **Make your reservations
Meeting details:
Tentative Schedule:
Mon, 7/10, Universal Printer Driver Format (UPDF), Font Work
Tues, 7/11, PWG Hosted uPnP (Universal Plug and Play) Meeting
Wed, 7/12, PWG Plenary Session (AM) - IPP (PM)
Thurs, July 13, IPP
Fri, July 14, 1394 Printing
Meeting details are also posted on the PWG Chair's page
You must register for the meetings you plan to attend via
the PWG Meeting Registration Form, located at
The cost for daily meeting attendance is $65.00 per day.
Participants are responsible for their own lunch.
Please contact Cindy Tiritilli, IEEE-ISTO PWG Program Administrator at
+1-732-981-3434 or c.tiritilli at if you have any questions.
Cindy Tiritilli, PWG Program Administrator
445 Hoes Lane * PO Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA
voice: +1-732-981-3434
fax: +1-509-355-5073
email: c.tiritilli at