[PMP] Concall- Thursday 10 Nov at 1PM EST

[PMP] Concall- Thursday 10 Nov at 1PM EST

William Wagner wamwagner at comcast.net
Tue Nov 8 18:46:48 UTC 2011

There will be a WIMS/PMP conference call  Thursday, 10 November at 1PM, EST.


Call-in and password numbers are the standards. Email a message to me if you
need them.


The proposed agenda is:

1. Identify Minute-taker 

2. Statement that meeting is held in accord with PWG IP Policy 

3. Consideration of Agenda

4. Review/Accept  last concall  minutes

5. Check on action items

.        Ira to provide previously-used testing procedures for other MIBs to
Mike - open 

.        Mike to propose test procedure at December 2011 F2F - open 

.        MFD Alerts to be updated and discussed at IPP Conference call.

          6. Consensus on MFD Alerts Changes and Steps to Stable and Last

          7. Power MIB Test procedure Status


Bill Wagner, CoChairman - Workgroup for Imaging Management Solutions/PWG 


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