[PMP] Concall- Thursday 14 July at 1PM ET

[PMP] Concall- Thursday 14 July at 1PM ET

William Wagner wamwagner at comcast.net
Wed Jul 13 04:25:00 UTC 2011

The proposed set of slides for the 1 August WIMS/PMP face to face are posted
f . These will be discussed on Thursday, 14 July at 1 PM ET.

Bill Wagner


From: pmp-bounces at pwg.org [mailto:pmp-bounces at pwg.org] On Behalf Of William
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 1:29 PM
To: wims at pwg.org; pmp at pwg.org
Subject: [PMP] Concall- Thursday 14 July at 1PM ET


There were insufficient members at the 7 July WIMS call to have a
conference.  I thank those who did call in 


The  next scheduled WIMS/PMP meeting  is on 14 July (since IDS will not be
having a call then but will on 21 July.) This 14 July call will be the last
WIMS call before the  August 1 face-to-face. The agenda will deal with the
Imaging Power Management MIB interoperability demonstration  survey  and the
August 1  face-to-face WIMS agenda, which will be concerned primarily with
Imaging Power Management. Bruce Nordman has agreed to call in and give us a
summary of IEEE eman activities and possibly how they relate to the Imaging
Power MIB. 


I would very much like to get the Imaging Power Management MIB
interoperability demonstration  survey agreed to  so that I can format it
for Survey Monkey and get it started before the face-to-face meeting.  I
request all those who have an interest in the Imaging Power Management MIB
interoperability demonstration  to look at the survey drafts and provide
comments on the WIMS list. 


The observation was made that the questions in the survey were too long. I
have posted a trimmed version at: 




I also posted a MS Word version of the original document  at:



There will be a WIMS/PMP conference call  Thursday, 14 July at 1PM, EDT.


Call-in and password numbers are the standards. Email a message to me if you
need them.


The proposed agenda is:


1. Identify Minute-taker 

2. Statement that meeting is held in accord with PWG IP Policy 

3. Consideration of Agenda

4. Review/Accept  June 9 minutes

5. Check on action items: 

.         Action: Bill to check with SC on Project Charter resolutions, and
announce to PWG if there is agreement. DONE

.         Action: Pete to make comments on MFD Alerts Charter  (no comments
received - charter updated without) 

.         Action: Bill to update MFD Alerts charter with comments and submit
to SC for approval. (DONE)

.         Action: Ira and Peter to formulate fax modem alerts and reflect in
Semantic Model (ONGOING) 

.         Action: Bill to post proposed Imaging Power Management MIB Survey
for WIMS review. (DONE)

.         Action: Ira and Peter to formulate fax modem alerts and reflect in
Semantic Model (ONGOING, pending

.         charter approval)

.         Action: Bill to Recast extracted data security information from
MPSA User Access Control security article as

.         start to MPSA Data Security article (ONGOING)

6. Consider Imaging Power MIB interoperability Survey

.        Posted at

7.  Consider August 1 WIMS/PMP face-to-face meeting agenda.

8. Next Steps - Action Items

o   Action on Imaging Power  MIB Interoperability demonstration survey



Bill Wagner, Chairman - Workgroup for Imaging Management Solutions/PWG 


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