PMP> Sketch of PPM MIB with new Printer table

PMP> Sketch of PPM MIB with new Printer table

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at
Sun Jul 17 12:26:35 EDT 2005

Hi,                                                Sunday (17 July 2005)

Based on feedback from the Printer Port Monitor Interop event last week,
below is a brief sketch of a revised PPM MIB with three object groups:

(1) General - scalars - language tag and counters
    - add ppmGeneralNumberOfPrinters (entry count for ppmPrinterTable)
    - keep ppmGeneralNumberOfPorts (entry count for ppmPortTable)
    - remove ppmGeneralPreferredPortIndex (add to ppmPrinterTable)

(2) Printer - table - list of printers on system
    - keep Printer-specific elements from previous ppmPortTable
        (for ENA or Network Spooler)
    - maps one-to-one to Printers in Host Resources MIB and Printer MIB
        (via ppmPrinterHrDeviceIndex, if non-zero)
    - rename ppmPortSnmpStatusQueryEnabled to ppmPrinterSnmpQueryEnabled
        (to stay within 31 characters for portability across compilers)

(3) Port - table - list of logical ports on each printer
    - indexed by ppmPrinterIndex and ppmPortIndex
    - keeps Port-specific elements from previous ppmPortTable

All tables were reordered to follow Printer MIB and PWG Semantic Model
conventions - state, name, description, type, other stuff - see below.

I plan to post clean ASN.1 for this revision by Monday evening.


- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at

General Group (scalars):

        ppmGeneralNaturalLanguage       SnmpAdminString,
        ppmGeneralNumberOfPrinters      Gauge32,
        ppmGeneralNumberOfPorts         Gauge32

Printer Group (table):

INDEX  { ppmPrinterIndex }

PpmPrinterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ppmPrinterIndex                 Integer32,
        ppmPrinterEnabled               TruthValue,
        ppmPrinterName                  SnmpAdminString,
            -- augments implementations of Printer MIB v1
            -- maps to prtGeneralPrinterName in Printer MIB v2
        ppmPrinterNumberOfPorts         Gauge32,
            -- number of logical ports for specific printer
        ppmPrinterPreferredPortIndex    Ingeter32,
            -- preferred port for specific printer
        ppmPrinterIEEE1284DeviceId      OCTET STRING -- 1023 octets
            -- must include MANUFACTURER and MODEL in first 255 octets
        ppmPrinterHrDeviceIndex         Integer32,
            -- index for hrDeviceTable and prtGeneralTable (if non-zero)
        ppmPrinterSnmpCommunityName     OCTET STRING,
        ppmPrinterSnmpQueryEnabled      TruthValue

Port Group (table):

INDEX  { ppmPrinterIndex, ppmPortIndex }

PpmPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        ppmPortIndex                    Integer32,
        ppmPortEnabled                  TruthValue,
        ppmPortName                     SnmpAdminString,
        ppmPortDescription              SnmpAdminString,
        ppmPortProtocolType             Integer32,
        ppmPortProtocolTargetPort       Integer32,
        ppmPortProtocolAltSourceEnabled TruthValue,
        ppmPortServiceNameOrURI         SnmpAdminString,
        ppmPortPrtChannelIndex          Integer32,
        ppmPortLprByteCountEnabled      TruthValue


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