Hi Ron,
Umm - what I was aiming for was (SIZE (0..63)) for both
objects - they can be null bit arrays, you know. And all
our other strings are 63 octets max in Finisher MIB.
- Ira
-----Original Message-----
From: Bergman, Ron [mailto:Ron.Bergman at Hitachi-hkis.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 12:31 PM
To: 'McDonald, Ira'; Casterline, Ray
Cc: fin at pwg.org; pmp at pwg.org; RayCasterline at lhsolutions.com
Subject: RE: Warnings compiling Finisher MIB using Mosy
Ira and Ray,
Thank you for your comments. I will define the sizes as follows:
1. for finDeviceAssociatedMediaPaths: (SIZE(1..63))
2. for finDeviceAssociatedOutputs: (SIZE(1..64))
-----Original Message-----
From: McDonald, Ira [mailto:IMcDonald at crt.xerox.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 8:57 AM
To: Casterline, Ray; Bergman, Ron
Cc: McDonald, Ira; fin at pwg.org; pmp at pwg.org;
RayCasterline at lhsolutions.com
Subject: RE: Warnings compiling Finisher MIB using Mosy
Hi Ron and Ray,
These two bit-masks represent values of the Printer MIB v1/v2
objects 'prtMediaPathIndex' and 'prtOutputIndex', both of
which have a SYNTAX of 'Integer32 (1..65535)'. A bit
array of 255 octets can represent '(1..2047)'.
I suggest that these objects be made exactly 63 octets
(like all the other strings in the Finisher MIB), so that
they can represent '(1..511)'.
I'm concerned that Ron's shorter suggested lengths may
actually break some existing implementation (of the
Printer and Finisher MIB).
Also, my email address at Xerox will be going away within
two weeks. After that, folks can reach me by telephone only
at 608-257-0466 (work/home in Madison, WI) until April 2002.
- Ira McDonald
High North Inc
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Casterline [mailto:rcasterline at crt.xerox.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 10:24 AM
To: Bergman, Ron
Cc: Ira McDonald (E-mail); fin at pwg.org; pmp at pwg.org;
RayCasterline at lhsolutions.com
Subject: Re: Warnings compiling Finisher MIB using Mosy
Your definitions look fine.
My only thought would be in the distributed printing
environments (where multiple devices are chained together)
that might get close to these numbers. My experience isn't
in this area so I can't say if these types of systems are
viewed as a single "printer" or if they are each
viewed separately.
Also, as a side note. My Xerox e-mail address will be going
away shortly.
I can be reached at my companies address at:
RayCasterline at lhsolutions.com
Ray Casterline
"Bergman, Ron" wrote:
>> Ray,
>> Thanks for catching this. I propose the following:
>> for finDeviceAssociatedMediaPaths: (SIZE(1..8))
> This allows up to 64 unique media paths.
>> for finDeviceAssociatedOutputs: (SIZE(1..32))
> This allows up to 256 output subunits.
>> Does this seem to be too many or too few? I believe that
> being on the high side is best, as long as it is not a
> completely unrealistic number.
>> Ron
>> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Casterline [mailto:rcasterline at crt.xerox.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:24 AM
> To: Ron Bergman
> Cc: fin at pwg.org; pmp at pwg.org> Subject: Warnings compiling Finisher MIB using Mosy
>> Ron,
>> Hello, I hope you had a nice Holiday.
>> I was compiling the latest finisher mib and came across
> the following warnings:
>> mosy 7.1 #1 (fileserver) of Mon Aug 14 14:50:20 EDT 1995
> object finDeviceAssociatedMediaPaths:
> warning: OCTET STRING should have SIZE constraint
> object finDeviceAssociatedOutputs:
> warning: OCTET STRING should have SIZE constraint
>> Regards,
> Ray Casterline
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