PMP> New Printer MIB Submitted to the IETF

PMP> New Printer MIB Submitted to the IETF

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at
Fri Jun 1 10:58:28 EDT 2001

Hi folks,

Note that the '.txt' version was stored using a binary transfer
(leaving the Windows/DOS carriage returns in the file).

So if you retrieve it from a UNIX/POSIX system you'll get some 
unwanted CR's, even in binary mode.

If you retrieve it to a Windows/DOS system, remember to set
BINARY transfer mode first, to avoid DOUBLING the carriage
returns (double-spacing the text lines).

The Internet-Drafts editor will probably clean up the carriage
returns as a matter of course on the '' repository.

- Ira McDonald, consulting architect at Sharp and Xerox
  High North Inc

-----Original Message-----
From: Bergman, Ron [mailto:Ron.Bergman at]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 1:26 PM
To: 'pmp at'; 'pwg-announce at'
Subject: RE: PMP> New Printer MIB Submitted to the IETF

The text version is also now at the PWG site.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bergman, Ron [mailto:Ron.Bergman at]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:22 AM
To: 'pmp at'; 'pwg-announce at'
Subject: PMP> New Printer MIB Submitted to the IETF

Version 07 of the Printer MIB has been submitted to the IETF.  It should be
available tomorrow or early next week.  A DOC and PDF file is available on
the PWG site at:
and .doc

For some reason the PWG site sould not accept the .txt version, so you can
either wait until it is available from the IETF or send me a message and I
will email it.

	Ron Bergman
	Hitachi Koki Imaging Solutions

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