From: NLS::DAVEK 25-MAY-1999 13:04:32.25
To: MX%"pmp at"
Subj: Re: PMP> Proposed text for chIPP job submission channel to be added to the draft Printer MIB
(This is a re-post; I think this message got lost in the mail
server problems.)
Tom, Ira, all,
I reviewed your proposal for the chIPP channel type. It looks
good to me from a Printer MIB perspective. However, I haven't
been following the IPP standard at a detailed level recently.
I assume you have done your homework, but I'd still like to hear
confirmation from folks more familiar with current IPP status,
including the security issues.
I notice that, if the IPP Printer supports multiple combinations
of Authentication and Security, this results in a separate
chIPP channel table entry for each allowed combination. This
seems to make sense for the intended use, and I assume that in
practice the number of meaningful combinations is constrained, so
you don't get a combinatorial flood of channel table entries.
:: David Kellerman Northlake Software 503-228-3383
::david_kellerman at Portland, Oregon fax 503-228-5662