>From pmp-owner at pwg.org Tue Aug 11 22:31:23 1998
Message-Id: <9808112027.AA09066 at gnu.sdsp.mc.xerox.com>
To: pmp at pwg.org
Subject: PMP> Is there any infomation on chAppSocket?
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 1998 13:27:31 PDT
From: "Marty Leisner" <leisner at sdsp.mc.xerox.com>
Sender: pmp-owner at pwg.org
Is there any information on standards/specs/guesses
for these two fields in the 3/16/98 draft:
-- A bi-directional, LPD-like,
-- protocol using 9101 for
-- control and 9100 for data.
-- Adobe Systems, Inc.
under PrtChannelTypeTC?
marty leisner at sdsp.mc.xerox.com
Don't confuse education with schooling.
Milton Friedman to Yogi Berra