PMP> Unavailable vs. Broken - review by April 17th

PMP> Unavailable vs. Broken - review by April 17th

Harry Lewis harryl at
Wed Apr 8 16:56:06 EDT 1998

The "Top-25" alert definitions specify subUnitStatus "Unavailable becau=
Broken" for

Cover/Door Open
Input Tray Missing
Output Tray Missing
Output Tray Full
Marker Supply Missing
Marker Supply Empty

During the PMP last call, Tom Hastings wrote

>We were wondering why we didn't use "Unavailable and OnRequest"
>...for something that requires human attention, but is not broken?

While we do not want to entirely resurface this discussion, we are givi=
everyone until 4/17 to review their interpretations or implementations =
of the
Top-25 to see if there is major misunderstanding.

Please review with your product development teams and reply before Frid=
ay, 4/17.

Harry Lewis - IBM Printing Systems

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