PMP> prtChannelInformation should NOT be subject to alternative 4

PMP> prtChannelInformation should NOT be subject to alternative 4

Tom Hastings hastings at
Fri Jul 25 13:19:04 EDT 1997

In writing up the PROs and CONs, I made a mistake to include David's
revised prtChannelInformation in the list that would be affected
by alternative 4 or alternative 5. 

prtChannelInformation stands alone with its own character coding
specified according to David's revised specification, since the
spec for each enum value specifies the coded character set that
follows the "=" sign.

I had written:

  David Kellerman's revised prtChannelInformation also adds:

  R                 prtChannelInformation               OCTET STRING

What we should do is follow Jay's suggest to use a TC for the
objects that are under control of whichever alternative we choose
and leave prtChannelInformation as an OCTET STRING, since its code
set varies depending on the enum.

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