PMP> Localization conclusion - prtGeneralPrinterName

PMP> Localization conclusion - prtGeneralPrinterName

JK Martin jkm at
Thu Jul 24 18:22:05 EDT 1997

I realize I already "voted" on this issue, but Dave's message reminds
me that we really need to resolve the UTF-8 vs. wide-open charset encoding
issue first.

I previously voted for moving from DisplayString to OCTET STRING,
but I would prefer to see it move to Utf8String (or whatever we
end up calling it).


----- Begin Included Message -----

Date: Thu, 24 Jul 1997 12:58:45 PST
From: David_Kellerman at
To: pmp at
Subject: Re: PMP> Localization conclusion - prtGeneralPrinterName


I would vote to change the SYNTAX of prtGeneralPrinterName from OCTET
STRING to the Utf8String TC, as indicated in my proposal yesterday. 

I know you're trying to separate issues, but it seems to me that they're


::  David Kellerman         Northlake Software      503-228-3383
::  david_kellerman at Portland, Oregon        fax 503-228-5662

----- End Included Message -----

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