PMP> URGENT: Need consensus by noon PDT today on definition of

PMP> URGENT: Need consensus by noon PDT today on definition of

David_Kellerman at David_Kellerman at
Tue Jul 22 17:37:32 EDT 1997

I've been out at meetings all morning, and just arrived to find a flood
of messages on the localization topic.  (And of course it's 1:20 PDT

Really, all I can say is this is one heck of a way to try to deal with
this issue. 

For the record, there's a big difference between what Tom is proposing,
and what Randy Presun is referring to in the SYSAPPL MIB draft.  SYSAPPL
constrains its strings to contain UTF-8 encoded ISO/IEC IS 10646-1
characters (one coded character set).  Tom's suggestion explicitly
allows a wide range of character sets and encodings.  (The existing
language -- although it may be "wrong" in many ways -- does constrain
the contents.) 

I happen to like the SYSAPPL approach; Tom's makes my skin crawl.  (But
that's no more than one tolerably-informed person's opinion in an
intensely debated topic.)  

I go back to what I said in my previous message (seems like it was a
long time ago, doesn't it?), that I'd rather see this hashed out in a
different forum.  But hey.  Lloyd and Chris, if you really think we've
got "consensus" from this flurry of e-mail messages, and you think you
know what we've decided, good luck with it. 

::  David Kellerman         Northlake Software      503-228-3383
::  david_kellerman at Portland, Oregon        fax 503-228-5662

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