This is a tough one to answer because so much is dependent on
items outside of our control. For example, we have to get the HR
MIB advanced before the Printer MIB can advance. I am thinking
that we might still be at a Draft Standard level by the end of
this year but I am always optimistic. Chris and I will certainly
keep the working group informed as we progress along the
standards track.
------------------ Original message --------------------
To: rturner%sharplabs.com @ interlock.lexmark.com
cc: pmp%pwg.org @ interlock.lexmark.com (bcc: Lloyd Young)
From: harryl%us.ibm.com @ interlock.lexmark.com @ LEXMTA
Date: 06/03/97 11:59:51 AM AST
Subject: Re: PMP> new draft available
Randy - thanks for all your hard work!
Can anyone (Lloyd, Chirs?) provide a *brief* outline of what we should
anticipate as a timeline with respect to this draft becoming a standard?