PMP> Requested Change to Draft

PMP> Requested Change to Draft

Bill Wagner bwagner at
Sat Apr 5 17:36:02 EST 1997

     As previously discussed, the keywords listed for chNetwarePServer in 
     the current Printer MIB draft would necessitate multiple channel 
     entries for each file server/queue pair. The benefit of this approach 
     does not justify the potentially extensive expansion in the number of 
     channels. In addition, the server/queue pair may not define a path to 
     a unique printer because multiple printers may service a given pair.
     The PServer name and printer number keywords, as used for the 
     chNetwareRPrinter channel, do provide a unique identification of the 
     printer channel. I request that, starting on page 37 of the 
     draft-ietf-printmib-mib-info-01.txt document, PrtChannelTypeTC information 
     for chNetwarePServer be changed to the following.

         chNetwarePServer(10),  -- Novell, Inc
                                -- prtChannelInformation keywords:
                                -- Print Server Name
                                -- Keyword: "PServer"
                                -- Syntax:  Name
                                -- Status:  Mandatory
                                -- Multiplicity: Single
                                -- Description: The PServer's SAP name
                                -- Printer Number
                                -- Keyword: "Printer"
                                -- Syntax:  Integer
                                -- Status:  Mandatory
                                -- Multiplicity  Single
                                -- Description: The number identifying the
                                -- specific printer, of the several printers
                                -- that may be served by identified PServer
                                -- NDS Tree
                                -- Keyword: "NDSTree"
                                -- Syntax:  Name
                                -- Status:  Mandatory
                                -- Multiplicity  Multiple
                                -- Description: The NDS Tree SAP name
                                -- NDS Queue
                                -- Keyword: "NDSQueue"
                                -- Syntax:       Name
                                -- Status:       Mandatory
                                -- Multiplicity  Single
                                -- Description: The name of the queue
                                -- object in the associated NDS Tree.
                                -- There must be exactly one Pserver and
                                -- one Printer, or exactly one NDSTree 
                                -- and one NDSQueue Entry

        Bill Wagner, Osicom/DPI

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