PMP> Definitions of Active, Busy, Idle, Standby

PMP> Definitions of Active, Busy, Idle, Standby

Bill Wagner bwagner at
Thu Mar 13 20:02:28 EST 1997

     The December version of the MIB, released as an internet draft, has 
     the following. Why are we going over this again? Did I miss a phone 
     Bill Wagner
     Standby - The printer or sub-unit is unavailable for use because it is 
     partially powered down and may need some period of time to become 
     fully operational again.  A unit in Standby state shall respond to 
     network management requests.
     Available - The printer or subunit is functioning normally.
     Idle - The printer or subunit is not processing any print jobs
     Active - The printer or subunit is working on one or more print jobs
     Busy - The printer or subunit is "Active" and has also reached a 
     resource threshold whereby it will not accept any new print jobs for a 
     finite period of time. The expected next state transition from the 
     "busy" state is to the "active" state, implying that resources are 
     again available to accept new print jobs.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: PMP> Definitions of Active, Busy, Idle, Standby
Author:  Lloyd Young <lpyoung at> at Internet
Date:    3/13/97 7:47 PM

I had an issue to refine the defintions of active, busy, idle 
and standby.
Active: the printer or subunit is performing it's primary function.
Busy: the printer or subunit is performing a function (not necessarily 
it's primary function) and is not immediately available for it's 
primary function.
Idle: the printer or subunit is immediately available and waiting 
for instructions.
Standby: the printer or subunit is not immediately available but is 
waiting for instructions.
Lloyd Young                       Lexmark International, Inc. 
Senior Program Manager            Dept. C14L/Bldg. 035-3 
Strategic Alliances               740 New Circle Road NW 
internet: lpyoung at     Lexington, KY 40550
Phone: (606) 232-5150             Fax: (606) 232-6740

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