PMP> Minutes of the "Top-25" call

PMP> Minutes of the "Top-25" call

Chris Wellens chrisw at
Mon Mar 10 18:27:09 EST 1997

As a follow up to this request that was part of the 3/5/97
conference call:

>  - Recommendation for 5 new hrPrinterDetectedErrorState bits. Agree to pursue. Should be easy. Lloyd will
>    approach IETF. If not quick and easy, fall back to defining from existing set of bits.

Where we stand on this is that we have a good opportunity to
make minor modifications to the HR MIB, such as the one above.
However, this will not happen until after the April IETF meeting.  
Please go ahead and assume that these five bits can be added,
and we will have final confirmation by late April/early May.

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