PMP> A Top 20 Chart

PMP> A Top 20 Chart

Chuck Adams adamsc at pogo.WV.TEK.COM
Tue Feb 18 10:50:58 EST 1997

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	Attached is a first draft of a chart presenting 
	my personal top 20 events list. I hope this 
	will help us in our "attempt to standardize the 
	alert table entries, sub-unit status, hrDeviceStatus,
	hrPrinterStatus and hrPrtDetectedErrorState for a 
	subset of the most likely printer events."

	I'll get this out now without a couple of events
	since I believe they can be inferred from what
	is presented here. But if you want to add more
	events be my guest and have at it.

Chuck Adams
Tektronix, Inc.

P.S. If someone would be so kind as to put this in
the site
I would appreciate it.

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                   |                                               |                               | Group Status
                   |           General Printer Status              |         prtAlertTable         | (PrtSubUnitStatusTC)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | prtInputStatus
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | (per input tray)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | prtOutputStatus
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | (per output bin)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | prtMarkerStatus
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | (per marker)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | prtMediaPathStatus
                   |             |                 | hrPrinter     |               |               | (per path)
Printer            | hrDevice    | hrPrinter       | Detected      |               |               | prtChannelStatus 
State              | Status      | Status          | ErrorState    | prtAlertGroup | prtAlertCode	 | (per channel)
Normal or idle     |             |                 |               |               |               | all groups are:
(with no errors)   | running (2) | idle (3)        | (0x0)         | (empty table) | (empty table) |   Idle (0)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Printing           |             |                 |               |               |               | Availability may be:
(with no errors)   | running (2) | printing (4)    | (0x0)         | (empty table) | (empty table) |   Idle (0) or
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |   Active (4) or
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |   Busy (6)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | depending on 
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | subsystem state
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Off-line           |             |                 |               |               |               | prtChannelStatus(32)
(with no errors)   | down (5)    | other (1)       | Offline (2)   | (empty table) | (empty table) | other groups are:
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |   (indeterminate)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Standby or Power   |             |                 |               |               |               | all groups are:
Saver Mode         | running (2) | other (3)       | (0x0)         | (empty table) | (empty table) |   Standby (2)
(with no errors)   |             |                 |               |               |               |
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Initial Power Up   |             |                 |               |               |               | all groups are:
(with no errors,   | down (5)    | warmup (5)      | Offline (2)   | (empty table) | (empty table) |   Availability=
(while warming up) |             |                 |               |               |               |   Unknown+Off-line+
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |   Transitioning
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |   (5+32+64)

         Critical Errors: the printer can not print 
                          (the error may be current while printing)

Jam with           | down (5)    | idle (3) or     | Jammed(8)     | mediaPath(13) | jammed(8)     | prtMediaPathStatus
Media Path         |             | printing (4) or |               |               |               | (3+16+
                   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               |               |  On-Line+
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               | 
Cover/Door         | down (5)    | idle (3) or     | Door Open(16) | cover(6)      | coverOpened(3)| prtCoverStatus
Open               |             | printing (4) or |               |               | coverOpened   |    coverOpen (3) 
                   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | (501)#        |
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Input Tray         | down (5)    | idle (3) or     | No Paper(64)  | input(8)      | subunitMissing| prtInputStatus 
Missing            |             | printing (4) or |               |               | (9)           | (3+16+
                   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | inputMediaTray|  On-Line+
                   |             |                 |               |               | Missing(801)# |  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Input Tray         | down (5)    | idle (3) or     | No Paper(64)  | input(8)      | subunitEmpty  | prtInputStatus
Empty              |             | printing (4) or |               |               | (13)          | (3+16+
                   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | inputMediaSup-|  On-Line+
                   |             |                 |               |               | plyEmpty(808)#|  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Output Tray        | down (5)    | idle (3) or     | Service       | output(9)     | subunitMissing| prtOutputStatus
Missing            |             | printing (4) or | Requested(1)  |               | (9)           | (3+16+
                   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | outputMedia   |  On-Line+
                   |             |                 |               |               | TrayMissing   | Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               | (901)#        |
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Output Tray        | down (5)    | idle (3) or     | Service       | output(9)     | subunitFull   | prtOutputStatus
Full               |             | printing (4) or | Requested(1)  |               | (15)          | (3+16+
                   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | outputMedia   |  On-Line+
                   |             |                 |               |               | TrayFull(903)#|  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Marker Supply      | down (5)    | idle (3) or     | No Toner(16)  | markerSupplies| subunitMissing| prtMarkerStatus
Missing            |             | printing (4) or |               | (11)          | (9)           | (3+16+
( toner missing,   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | markerToner   |  On-Line+
  ink missing )    |             |                 |               |               | Cartridge     |  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               | Missing(1115)#|
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Marker Supply      | down (5)    | idle (3) or     | No Toner(16)  | markerSupplies| subunitEmpty  | prtMarkerStatus
Empty (i.e.,       |             | printing (4) or |               | (11)          | (13)          | (3+16+
 toner empty,      |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | markerToner   |  On-Line+
 ink low)          |             |                 |               |               | Empty (1101)# |  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               | markerInk     |
                   |             |                 |               |               | Empty (1102)# |

         Non-Critical Errors: the printer can still print while condition exists 
                              (the warning may be current while printing)

Input Tray         | warning (3) | idle (3) or     | Low           | input(8)      | subunitAlmost | prtInputStatus
Low                |             | printing (4) or | Paper(128)    |               | Empty(12)     | (8+Availability+
                   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               |               |  On-Line+
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Output Tray        | warning (3) | idle (3) or     | Service       | output(9)     | subunitAlmost | prtOutputStatus
Almost Full        |             | printing (4) or | Requested(1)  |               | Full(14)      | (8+Availability+
                   |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | outputTray    |  On-Line+
                   |             |                 |               |               | AlmostFull    |  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               | (902)#        |
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Marker Supply      | warning (3) | idle (3) or     | Low           | markerSupplies| subunitAlmost | prtMarkerStatus
Almost Empty       |             | printing (4) or | Toner (32)    | (11)          | Empty(12)     | (8+Availability+
(i.e., toner low,  |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | markerToner   |  On-Line+
 ink low)          |             |                 |               |               | AlmostEmpty   |  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               | (1104)#       | 
                   |             |                 |               |               | markerInk     |
                   |             |                 |               |               | AlmostEmpty   |
                   |             |                 |               |               | (1105)#       |
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Input Tray         | warning (3) | idle (3) or     | Low           | input(8)      | subunitMissing| prtInputStatus 
Missing (when n-1  |             | printing (4) or | Paper(128)    |               | (9)           | (8+Availability+
trays are missing  |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | inputMediaTray|  On-Line+
with linking)      |             |                 |               |               | Missing(801)# |  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Input Tray         | warning (3) | idle (3) or     | Low           | input(8)      | subunitEmpty  | prtInputStatus
Empty (when n-1    |             | printing (4) or | Paper(128)    |               | (13)          | (8+Availability+
trays are empty    |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | inputMediaSup-|  On-Line+
with linking)      |             |                 |               |               | plyEmpty(808)#|  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Output Tray        | warning (3) | idle (3) or     | Service       | output(9)     | subunitMissing| prtOutputStatus
Missing (when n-1  |             | printing (4) or | Requested(1)  |               | (9)           | (8+Availability+
trays are missing  |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | outputMedia   |  On-Line+
with linking)      |             |                 |               |               | TrayMissing   | Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               | (901)#        |
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |
Output Tray        | warning (3) | idle (3) or     | Service       | output(9)     | subunitFull   | prtOutputStatus
Full (when n-1     |             | printing (4) or | Requested(1)  |               | (15)          | (8+Availability+
trays are full     |             | warmup (5)      |               |               | outputMedia   |  On-Line+
with linking)      |             |                 |               |               | TrayFull(903)#|  Transitioning)
                   |             |                 |               |               |               |

The definition of PrtSubUnitStatusTC specifies that SubUnitStatus is an integer that is the
sum of 5 distinct values, Availability, Critical, Non-Critical, On-line and Transitioning. 
These values are...

# The generic codes are recommended for use. These type specific codes should not be used
  in newer implementations of the printer MIB.


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