PMP> hrPrtDetectedErrorState

PMP> hrPrtDetectedErrorState

JK Martin jkm at
Thu Feb 6 19:49:45 EST 1997


I have no problem (now) with the notion of extending the octet string
definition of hrPrtDetectedErrorState, given you fine explanation of
the situation at the interop test earlier this week.

However, are you suggesting that this become part of the "changes"
made to RFC1759 as it moves from Proposed to Draft, or would this
be part of Printer MIB II (the sequel)?


--  JK Martin               |  Email:   jkm at          --
--  Underscore, Inc.        |  Voice:   (603) 889-7000              --
--  41C Sagamore Park Road  |  Fax:     (603) 889-2699              --
--  Hudson, NH 03015-4915   |  Web:   --

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