PMP> February Meetings

PMP> February Meetings

Bill Wagner bwagner at
Wed Jan 15 18:34:50 EST 1997

     In reading through Harry's minutes (thank you Harry) and my own notes, 
     I am unclear on the actual dates of meetings for February, and would 
     appreciate clarification. 
     1. PWG notes indicate meeting from 3 to 7 Feb in San Jose
                PMP interoperability testing 3-5 Feb
                IPP     6 Feb
                JMP     7 Feb
     2. PMP notes suggest that compatibility test is four days, that it is 
     concerned with testing performed by a maximum of three people from 
     each printer (and management system) vendor. The implication is that 
     testing is concerned with the individual testing of each candidate 
     3. There is no mention of a PMP meeting to discuss either the 
     currently active items (explanation and justification of changes from 
     RFC1759), or the results/significance of the compatibility test. Such 
     a meeting may be considered to follow and be independent of the 
     testing itself, being of interest to all PMP participants.
     4. Is the intent therefore not to have a PMP meeting in February? What 
     about other PWG projects?
     Bill Wagner, DPI 

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