PMP> Should Alerts be replicated???

PMP> Should Alerts be replicated???

Bill Wagner bwagner at
Tue Jan 14 14:13:33 EST 1997

     Jay wrote:

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Re[2]: PMP> Should Alerts be replicated???
Author:  jkm at (JK Martin) at Internet
Date:    1/14/97 12:15 PM

Not reentering the warning doesn't feel right to me.  Maybe it's just
a gut feeling, but without critical/warning alerts in the Alert Table,
the mgmt app, upon initial contact with the printer, is forced to query
the subunit status of every component in the Printer MIB to determine
if any problem states exist.

     Perhaps I should be clearer about why I don't suggest formalizing a 
     re-entry. (I do not suggest forbidding it either.)
     Under what circumstances would a significant warning be removed from 
     the Alert Table?
     By the suggested Alert Table maintenance, only if a more critical (or 
     more recent event of equal criticality) occurs and the table is 
     already full. Note that the maintenance suggests that non-critical 
     unary alerts can be supplanted by more recent non-critical unary 
     events or by noncritical binary events or by critical binary events. 
     It might also be suggested that the printer manufacturer can assign 
     some finer priority level among unary noncritical events, and among 
     non-critical binary events, etc. Therefore, an event that gets 
     supplanted will be the least important of all events in the Alert 
     Table. In addition, unless it is a less important byproduct of an 
     event causing many alerts, this supplanted alert event probably will 
     have resided in the Alert Table for some period and may well have 
     already been observed by the management application.
     When would room be created in the Alert Table to allow the supplanted 
     event to be reentered?
     Since all events in the Alert Table are of higher priority, slots will 
     be freed in the Table only if some binary alert has a terminating 
     event. Except for a critical binary event, which must be terminated 
     via operator intervention if the printer is to resume operation, if 
     and when the slot will be freed is not clear and not something a 
     Management app could rely upon. This unlikeliness of freeing up space 
     is greater if the alert alert option is used.
     Therefore, I suggest that an event will be supplanted only if it is 
     the least significant event in the table, that the event probably will 
     have been in the table for some time, and that space to accept a 
     re-entry of that event would become available only if more significant 
     conditions were removed, probably by operator intervention.
     Bill Wagner

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