PMP> The Input Switching Group

PMP> The Input Switching Group

Caruso,Angelo Angelo_Caruso at
Mon Jan 13 19:18:46 EST 1997

One of my action items from the Albuquerque meeting is to refine and 
 justify the new objects in the Input Switching Group. Here is my first 
 crack at refining these objects:

prtInputNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
	SYNTAX		Integer32
	MAX-ACCESS	read-write
	MIN-ACCESS	read-only
	STATUS		current
		"The value of prtInputIndex corresponding to the input subunit
		 which will be used when this input subunit is emptied. A value
		 of zero(0) indicates that auto input switching will not occur
		 when this input subunit is emptied. A value of (-1) means other.
		 The value (-2) means 'unknown' and specifically indicates that
		 an implementation specific method will determine the next input
		 subunit to use at the time this subunit is emptied. The value 
		 (-3) means input switching is not supported for this subunit."

Based on the new description above, I am once again of the opinion that 
 the prtInputAutoSwicth object is uneccessary. Did I forget anything 
 from the discussion Friday afternoon? Any other comments?


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