CurrentPageOrder <--
What does this mean in the context of scanning? Scanning does not know
anything about page order. It scans one page at a time from stack, then the
next, then the next.
DocumentFormatDetailsDetected <--
DocumentFormatDetected <--
DocumentFormatVersionDetected <--
How does a scan service identify (detect) the Document Format, the details
and the version? For printing, this can be done by reading a header
component of the digital document but for scanning, the digital document is
an image. Even if OCR is used, information like Document format, details
and version are not printed; thus, no present in the scanned image.
ServiceURI <--
SystemUpTime <--
ScanServiceCounters <--
Why are these elements part of the Scan Document Status; I could see them in
the Job Status but not associated with the documents.
DocumentCharSet <--
DocumentNaturalLanguage <--
ElementCharSet <--
ElementNaturalLanguage <--
For printing the document/element char-set, language is important but for
scanning the "documents" are images; so what will the char set refer to.
PageOrderReceived <--
Again, Scanning does not know anything about page order. It scans one page
at a time from stack, then the next, then the next.
NumberUp <--
PresentationDirectionNumberUp <--
Since we are not printing this must refer to the number of scan areas on a
single page. But I thought it was agreed that there would only be on scan
(area) per page.
PageRanges <--
Does this have meaning in scanning? Does the user put on a stack of page
and then states scan the 12, 24 and 27 page. I believe the user will only
put on the pages they want to scan. Or is this simple the NumberScanPages;
that is the number pages scanned. (I noticed you use OutBoundCount which I
think is NumberScanPages.)
CompletedFinisherJobs <--
I don't understand what this is. I don't associate a "finisher" with
scanning only printing.
FullColorImages <--
Why is the word "Full" added. The only other type image is
MonoChromeImages. I suggest just ColorImages (versus
FullMonoChromeImages). Otherwise, you need to extent the list to something
8BitColorImages .... 24BitColorImages .... 48BitColorImages ...
IndexColorImages ?????
Since I do not see a variable for Rotation, I assume that Orientation is
recording the user desire for rotation of the output scanned image. But
scanner can do orientation (rotation) in two ways. All scans for a specific
scanner will physically be in a single orientation but the Scan Service or
Scan Driver can perform orientation (rotation) by either setting an
orientation (rotation) attribute in the image file and the reading
application will perform the actual orientation (rotation) change. The
other way is the Scan Driver performs the actual orientation (rotation) the
image content. Does there need to be an OrientationType.
The concept of Magnification (as a capability and as an option) is not
typical used in scanning as it is for printing. In scanning, the concept of
magnification is replaced with changing the resolution (dpi) of the scan.
If you want a bigger scanned image then increase the resolution. And you
don't really change the resolution to get a bigger picture but to get a
better quality image. Yes, cameras have a magnification option but it is
either physical-optical or software-optical magnification. "Copy" has a
magnification option but that is software magnification of whatever the scan
image "size" (resolution) is for the printer.
Is the capability "OutputDocumentSize" correct or it is supposed to be
"InputDocumentSize"; this is related to the AFD and Platen width/height
dimensions. The would also mean there would have to be two
InputDocumentSize's since the platen and AFD may have different size
I believe the capability "Sharpness" refers to a capability of high-end scan
for "Focusing". Typical scaners do not have Sharpness nor Focusing; this
is done by a post-processing application. I would suggest changing the
"Sharpness" to "Focus" or "Focusing" to more accurately map to the physical
I did not see a capability for the "light source" this can be changed in
scanning and can be done for the document type (paper, transparencies,
I did not see a capability for "document type". Today, even low-end
scanners can scan paper, transparencies, photo-negatives, photos, etc.
Each of these may affect other scanning attributes. Example, scanning
photo-negatives are done on a scan area template or a single photo-negative
in the center of the platen. And, yes, office people scan photo-negative,
photos, transparencies.
Out of time....
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