I installed this version of the IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/tools/sw-ippeveselfcert11-20220819-windows.msi
- on Windows 11
but running .\dnssd-tests.bat results in multiple messages like:
Sending output to "C:\Users\kurtp\Desktop\HP PageWide MFP P57750
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
(Translation from German: System cannot find the provided path)
However, "C:\Users\kurtp\Desktop\" DOES exist.
The printer name "HP PageWide MFP P57750 \[5B6968]" using the escaped
square bracket I retrieved with the help of "ipptool
get-printer-attributes.test" as the value for the printer-dns-sd-name
Also, I'm not convinced that line 40 of the batchfile
ippfind _ipp._tcp,_print.local. -T 5 --literal-name "%name%
can work given that line 16 previously had re-defined
set name=%name:~1,-1%
thusly stripping the first and the last character from the original %name%
(for whatever reason).