I'm happy to provide technical review.
> On Jan 13, 2025, at 12:58 PM, John Madden <jpmsparks at> wrote:
>> Mr Kennedy, Mr. Sweet;
>> I am a IT specialist with the SSA and in my spare time am in the process of writing a book for the adoption of IPP on Windows systems –
> the publisher is Apress company. I took this on to possibly help others with the same issues I am wading through preparing our own large(80K+)
> network. IPP/IPPS with Mopria or IPP Everywhere is such an improvement to the current legacy Windows print subsystem that I knew a
> few years back that this would be the way to go. As you might be aware, Microsoft is pushing IPP/IPPS adoption to reduce printer configuration as well
> as security vulnerabilities especially after the Print Nightmare fiasco. The book will include technical information for management and for developers alike, albeit
> with a Windows slant. Apress was looking for some technical review and I though you would certainly be the best qualified folks I could think of. I know you
> are busy, but I was hoping to find someone as qualified as you guys to provide insight if possible. I certainly understand if you cannot,
> and if so thanks for the consideration.
>> Thanks,
>> John Madden
Michael Sweet