[IPP] printing job with different finishings

[IPP] printing job with different finishings

Michael Sweet msweet at msweet.org
Mon May 13 16:03:30 UTC 2024


WRT "job-hold-until", that should just be included in the Create-Job or Print-Job request in the job-attributes-tag group.  Otherwise your requests look good.

The printer *should* be returning a client-error-attributes-or-values-not-supported (or successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes) status code with the "overrides" attribute in the unsupported-attributes-tag group, rather than "client-error-bad-request" since the request is valid, just not supported.  The printer doesn't include "print-color-mode" in the "overrides-supported" values, which is why even the "no-finishings" version of the Print-Job request fails.

The printer doesn't support the Document object extension which is why it ignores attributes in the document-attributes-tag group and thus doesn't support per-Document overrides... :/

> On May 13, 2024, at 9:05 AM, Tobias Wendorff via ipp <ipp at pwg.org> wrote:
> More bad news:
> I'm in office now and tried "create.job" from my git (I already uploaded the job and log file yesterday).
> "GROUP document-attributes-tag" in "OPERATION Send-Document" gets ignored... The print passes, but the pages don't get stapled.
> I find it shocking that such expensive business devices have such problems... We will therefore still have to carry out the process manually.
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Michael Sweet

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