[IPP] [EXTERNAL] Feedback request on "printer-icons" and "printer-more-info-manufacturer" in PWG IPP-Infra

[IPP] [EXTERNAL] Feedback request on "printer-icons" and "printer-more-info-manufacturer" in PWG IPP-Infra

Kennedy, Smith (Wireless & IPP Standards) smith.kennedy at hp.com
Wed May 8 15:13:07 UTC 2024

I concur with Uli - much more clear! And thanks for the legwork, as always.


    Smith Kennedy
    HP Inc.

On May 8, 2024, at 8:54 AM, Uli Wehner via ipp <ipp at pwg.org> wrote:

CAUTION: External Email

I think this is much clearer.


Uli Wehner

From: ipp <ipp-bounces at pwg.org<mailto:ipp-bounces at pwg.org>> On Behalf Of Michael Sweet via ipp
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 10:19 AM
To: Jimmy Wu <Jimmy.Wu at microsoft.com<mailto:Jimmy.Wu at microsoft.com>>
Cc: Michael Sweet <msweet at msweet.org<mailto:msweet at msweet.org>>; PWG IPP Workgroup <ipp at pwg.org<mailto:ipp at pwg.org>>
Subject: Re: [IPP] [EXTERNAL] Feedback request on "printer-icons" and "printer-more-info-manufacturer" in PWG IPP-Infra


Continuing this thread concerning resource URIs and the Same Origin policy that is used in web browsers for this sort of thing:

1. Web Browsers support a HTTP extension called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), which is documented here:


   The kicker is that this extension is used to allow PUT and POST requests - GET, HEAD, and OPTIONS requests are *not* limited in any way. So it doesn't look like CORS is a solution for IPP resources.

2. Sharing OAuth bearer tokens across domain names probably won't work in the general case, either, because the resource URI passed in the authorization request will be different...

Given these discoveries, I think we just need to reword the conformance requirements to be explicitly clear, something like:

4.2.6 Printer ICC Profiles, Icons, and Other URIs

URIs reported by the Proxy to the Infrastructure Printer in an Update-Output-Device-Attributes (section 5.10) request MUST be Public Internet Accessible, Network Accessible without credentials, or hosted by the Infrastructure Printer (with the same credentials) so that both the Infrastructure Printer and Client can access them. The following Printer attributes, if supported by the Proxy, MUST be reported with Public Internet Accessible, Network Accessible, or Infrastructure Printer hosted URIs: "printer-icc-profiles" ("profile-uri" member attribute), "printer-icons", "printer-more-info-manufacturer", and "printer-strings-uri".

In short: public Internet, private Intranet, or server-hosted using the same credentials.


Michael Sweet

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ipp at pwg.org

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