> On Feb 2, 2024, at 12:10 PM, Kennedy, Smith (Wireless & IPP Standards) <smith.kennedy at> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> I don' know if you saw that RFC 9526 "Simple Provisioning of Public Names for Residential Networks" was recently published and whether that RFC change anything WRT ACME IOT?
No, I didn't see this had gotten published, but it is solving a completely different problem...
IoT-ACME is about establishing trust for private services, while HomeNet's Public Naming stuff is about making private service accessible over the Internet. Presumably a HomeNet service will have a public address and FQDN, so normal ACME can be used for the public name and address but *not* for mDNS hostnames or private IP addresses, at least for Let's Encrypt... The local/private names and addresses will need a local ACME service to issue a separate certificate.
Michael Sweet