> On Aug 2, 2021, at 5:53 PM, Kennedy, Smith (Wireless & IPP Standards) <smith.kennedy at> wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> You have in these minutes this statement about section 5.2.6 "folding (1setOf collection)":
>> ⁃ Add something to talk about folding applying to the set, except as noted (e.g. poster fold is normally done to individual sheets)
>> I'm not sure what to do about this because the . Are you saying that the size of the Set or how many Media Sheets should be folded may depend on the type of the fold? So if the Client sends a 4 page document and supplies "finishing" = 'fold-poster', the Printer might fold every Media Sheet, but if the Client instead supplies "finishing" = 'fold-half' the Printer may instead fold all 4 pages together?
>> Maybe we need to add a "folding-when"?
So the issue here is that some kinds of folds can be applied per-sheet or per-set, but some can *only* be applied per set (fold-double-gate, fold-parallel), others can *only* be applied per sheet (fold-half-z, fold-poster), and the rest can be applied either way depending on the amount of folding done and output bin/tray.
Look at figure 1's fold images to get a visual sense of this - folds along both axis need to be applied per-sheet, while overlapping folds need to be applied per-set. So this is definitely implementation/process-specific, but we want folding to only express the intent.
Michael Sweet
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