[IPP] [PWG5100.14] Issue #35: "overrides-supported": 'document-numbers' should be conditionally required depending on "multiple-document-jobs-supported" = 'true'

[IPP] [PWG5100.14] Issue #35: "overrides-supported": 'document-numbers' should be conditionally required depending on "multiple-document-jobs-supported" = 'true'

smith.kennedy at hp.com smith.kennedy at hp.com
Thu May 12 20:17:07 UTC 2016

[Issue Unconfirmed]

Although 5100.6, where "overrides" and "overrides-supported" are defined
mandates support for 'document-numbers', IPP Everywhere should only require
'document-numbers' if the printer also reports
"multiple-document-jobs-supported" = 'true'.

Link: http://www.pwg.org/issues/35

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