[IPP] Kyocera Document Solution has reviewed the IPP FAXout specification and has the comments

[IPP] Kyocera Document Solution has reviewed the IPP FAXout specification and has the comments

Lida Wang Lida.Wang at dda.kyocera.com
Fri Jun 7 20:46:41 EDT 2013


The following are comments from Kyocera on IPP Faxout specification.

·         Line 362. 4.1.4 Job History "IPP FaxOut Jobs MUST be retained for a minimum of 300 seconds."
is actually difficult because of limitation of real memory capacity. A possible alternative is "IPP FaxOut MUST retains for a minimum of xxx Jobs."

·         Line 406 Table 2 - Required Printer Description Attributes
number-of-retries-default PWG 5100.FAX
number-of-retries-supported (note 6) PWG 5100.FAX
This 2 items should not be included because there are individual upper limits on retry number in each countries legally.
For example, the following are from FCC68, line standard of North America:
§ 68.318   Additional limitations.
(b) Registered terminal equipment with automatic dialing capability. (1) Automatic dialing to any individual number is limited to two successive attempts. Automatic dialing equipment which employ means for detecting both busy and reorder signals shall be permitted an additional 13 attempts if a busy or reorder signal is encountered on each attempt. The dialer shall be unable to re-attempt a call to the same number for at least 60 minutes following either the second or fifteenth successive attempt, whichever applies, unless the dialer is reactivated by either manual or external means. This rule does not apply to manually activated dialers that dial a number once following each activation.

·         Line 406 Table 2 - Required Printer Description Attributes
printer-fax-modem-info PWG 5100.FAX
printer-fax-modem-name PWG 5100.FAX
printer-fax-modem-number PWG 5100.FAX
This 3 items seems to be unnecessary and should be deleted, No user needs to see this kind of modem info.

·         Line 406 Table 2 - Required Printer Description Attributes
retry-interval-default (note 6) PWG 5100.FAX
retry-interval-supported (note 6) PWG 5100.FAX
retry-timeout-default (note 6) PWG 5100.FAX
retry-timeout-supported (note 6) PWG 5100.FAX
This 3 items should not be included, Some countries assign a restriction for automatic retry interval in consideration for avoiding the overload of their switching devices.

·         Line 656 7.2.6 retry-time-out (integer(1:MAX))
What is the difference between "7.2.6 retry-time-out (integer(1:MAX))" and "7.2.5 retry-interval (integer(1:MAX))"? what is the reason  both items are needed?

Best regards,

From: pwg-announce-bounces at pwg.org [mailto:pwg-announce-bounces at pwg.org] On Behalf Of Michael Sweet
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 11:42 AM
To: PWG Announcements Inc.
Subject: [Pwg-Announce] PWG Last Call of IPP FaxOut Service (05/01/13 to 06/07/13)


[This PWG Last Call starts today Wednesday May 1, 2013 and ends Friday June 7, 2013 at 10pm US PST.]

This is the formal announcement of the PWG Last Call for the IPP FaxOut Service specification, located at:


All required attributes and values defined in this document have been prototyped by Apple and/or other vendors. The IPP WG has completed extensive review of the various revisions of this document and an IPP WG last call.

The PWG Process/3.0 requires that a quorum (30%) of PWG voting members must acknowledge a PWG Last Call (with or without comments), before any document can progress to PWG Formal Vote.  This PWG Last Call is NOT a Formal Vote but it DOES require your review acknowledgment.


Send an email with *exactly* the following subject line format:
Subject: <Company Name> has reviewed the IPP FaxOut specification and has [no] comments


Please send your response to *all* of the following email addresses (replacing "dot" with '.' and "at" with '@'):

ipp "at" pwg "dot" org (IPP WG mailing list - you must be subscribed!)
blueroofmusic "at" gmail "dot" com (Ira McDonald, IPP WG Co-Chair)
ptykodi "at" tykodi "dot" com (Paul Tykodi, IPP WG Co-Chair)
msweet "at" apple "dot" com (Michael Sweet, IPP WG Secretary and IPP FaxOut Editor)

Note that you must be subscribed to the IPP WG mailing list to send email there - otherwise your email will be silently discarded.

Please do NOT simply reply to this note on the PWG-Announce list.

Note: The PWG Definition of the Standards Development Process Version 3.0 is located at:

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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