[IPP] RFC: Proposed errata for PWG 5100.3 (Production Printing)

[IPP] RFC: Proposed errata for PWG 5100.3 (Production Printing)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Tue May 21 14:23:59 EDT 2013

Hi Paul,

I understand the more limited scope of your proposal to look at
PODI and friends.

But I simply don't want to expand any IPP existing attributes and
finishing types unless they're needed and important for higher
fidelity PJT mappings from JDF or MSPS.  Even looking ahead
to MODCA should be deferred.  Standard numbers and revision
year numbers are cheap.

I prefer not to open that can of worms (endless world of finishing
type-specific option details) in the near term.

The objective is just to define the one finishing-template attribute
(keyword type names) and the enclosed finishing type-specific
members in an IPP 'collection' work, particular for IPP Implementors
Guide v2 to recommend best practice for finishings-col.

Narrower scope is better, I suggest.

- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Chair - Linux Foundation Open Printing WG
Secretary - IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group
Co-Chair - TCG Trusted Mobility Solutions WG
Chair - TCG Embedded Systems Hardcopy SG
IETF Designated Expert - IPP & Printer MIB
Blue Roof Music/High North Inc
mailto:blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Winter  579 Park Place  Saline, MI  48176  734-944-0094
Summer  PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI 49839  906-494-2434

On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Paul Tykodi <ptykodi at tykodi.com> wrote:

> Hi Ira,****
> ** **
> What I was thinking about in mentioning the other organizations was to
> review the elements we want to map (stapling, folding, punching, trimming)
> to see what values the specifications from these organizations support for
> these limited items.****
> ** **
> Best Regards,****
> ** **
> /Paul****
> --****
> Paul Tykodi
> Principal Consultant
> TCS - Tykodi Consulting Services LLC
> Tel/Fax: 603-343-1820
> Mobile:  603-866-0712
> E-mail:  ptykodi at tykodi.com
> WWW:  http://www.tykodi.com****
> *From:* Ira McDonald [mailto:blueroofmusic at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2013 12:50 PM
> *To:* Paul Tykodi
> *Cc:* Michael Sweet; ipp at pwg.org
> *Subject:* Re: [IPP] RFC: Proposed errata for PWG 5100.3 (Production
> Printing)****
> ** **
> Hi Paul,****
> Looking at PODI et al would open endless possibilities.****
> I agree with Mike that defining the low-hanging fruit for finishing that
> specifically map to the most commonly used JDF and MSPS finishing****
> should be our limited and practical scope.****
> BTW - the Open Printing JTAPI spec specifically chose a small subset****
> of finishing types to standardize in the JTAPI abstract Job model - these
> are already harmonized with JDF.****
> Cheers,****
> - Ira****
> ** **
> ****
> Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
> Chair - Linux Foundation Open Printing WG
> Secretary - IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group
> Co-Chair - TCG Trusted Mobility Solutions WG
> Chair - TCG Embedded Systems Hardcopy SG
> IETF Designated Expert - IPP & Printer MIB
> Blue Roof Music/High North Inc
> http://sites.google.com/site/blueroofmusic
> http://sites.google.com/site/highnorthinc
> mailto:blueroofmusic at gmail.com
> Winter  579 Park Place  Saline, MI  48176  734-944-0094
> Summer  PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI 49839  906-494-2434****
> ** **
> On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Paul Tykodi <ptykodi at tykodi.com> wrote:*
> ***
> Hi Mike,****
>  ****
> For this particular specification, I think we should consult information
> from the UP³I and potentially PODi organizations as well.****
>  ****
> Best Regards,****
>  ****
> /Paul****
> --****
> Paul Tykodi
> Principal Consultant
> TCS - Tykodi Consulting Services LLC
> Tel/Fax: 603-343-1820
> Mobile:  603-866-0712
> E-mail:  ptykodi at tykodi.com
> WWW:  http://www.tykodi.com****
> *From:* ipp-bounces at pwg.org [mailto:ipp-bounces at pwg.org] *On Behalf Of *Michael
> Sweet
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 21, 2013 10:45 AM
> *To:* ipp at pwg.org
> *Subject:* [IPP] RFC: Proposed errata for PWG 5100.3 (Production Printing)
> ****
>  ****
> All,****
>  ****
> As discussed in last week's session, there is no easy migration from the
> finishings attribute (1setOf type2 enum) to the finishings-col attribute
> (1setOf collection).****
>  ****
> The primary issue is that the finishing-template member attribute is
> defined as a name value and does not support well-known keyword values.  I
> propose that we amend the definition of the finishing-template member
> attribute and finishing-template-supported Printer attribute to include
> type2 keywords, e.g.:****
>  ****
>     "finishings-col (1setOf collection)"****
>         "finishing-template (name(MAX) | type2 keyword)"  <--- NEW****
>         "stitching (collection)"****
>             "stitching-locations (1setOf integer(0:MAX))"****
>             "stitching-offset (integer(0:MAX))"****
>             "stitching-reference-edge (type2 keyword)"****
>  ****
>     "finishing-template-supported (1setOf (name(MAX) | type2 keyword))"
>  <--- NEW****
>     "finishings-col-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)"****
>     "stitching-locations-supported (1setOf (integer(0:MAX) |
> rangeOfInteger(0:MAX)))"****
>     "stitching-offset-supported (1setOf (integer(0:MAX) |
> rangeOfInteger(0:MAX)))"****
>     "stitching-reference-edge-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)"****
>  ****
> The keyword values would correspond to the finishings enum names (staple,
> punch, bale, etc.).****
>  ****
> Longer term we should also probably extend the finishings-col Job Template
> attribute to include fold, punch, and trim member attributes, which would
> make use of the same kinds of values as as the current "stitching" member
> attribute (which IIRC handles bind, edge stitch, and staple, although that
> too could be made explicit), for example:****
>  ****
>     "finishings-col (1setOf collection)"****
>         "fold (1setOf collection)" (list of folds)****
>             "fold-direction (type2 keyword)" (in/out or up/down)****
>             "fold-location (integer(0:MAX))"****
>             "fold-reference-edge (type2 keyword)"****
>         "punch (collection)"****
>             "punch-locations (1setOf integer(0:MAX))"****
>             "punch-offset (integer(0:MAX))"****
>             "punch-reference-edge (type2 keyword)"****
>         "trim (1setOf collection)" (list of cuts)****
>             "trim-location (1setOf integer(0:MAX))"****
>             "trim-reference-edge (type2 keyword)"****
>  ****
>     "fold-direction-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)"****
>     "fold-location-supported (1setOf (integer(0:MAX) |
> rangeOfInteger(0:MAX)))"****
>     "fold-reference-edge-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)"****
>  ****
>     "punch-locations-supported (1setOf (integer(0:MAX) |
> rangeOfInteger(0:MAX)))"****
>     "punch-offset-supported (1setOf (integer(0:MAX) |
> rangeOfInteger(0:MAX)))"****
>     "punch-reference-edge-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)"****
>  ****
>     "trim-location-supported (1setOf (integer(0:MAX) |
> rangeOfInteger(0:MAX)))"****
>     "trim-reference-edge-supported (1setOf type2 keyword)"****
>  ****
> That said, I think extending finishings-col needs to happen in a separate
> (small) spec, and we should look to other specs (e.g. JDF and MSPS) to make
> sure we aren't defining something completely out in left field.****
>  ****
> Thoughts?****
>  ****
> _________________________________________________________
> Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair****
>  ****
> --
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> ipp mailing list
> ipp at pwg.org
> https://www.pwg.org/mailman/listinfo/ipp****
> ** **

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