This is the source of the 'smilint' reports on Printer MIB v2
and Finisher MIB latest drafts that I just forwarded to the
PMP or FIN lists.
AT&T Center for Internet Research at ICSI (ACIRI)
Bill Fenner does this for all the MIBs published as RFCs or
I-Ds. He announced some time back on the IETF SNMPv3 WG
list and I plumb forgot about it, but Ray Casterline searched
it out on the Web - thanks Bill and Ray.
- Ira McDonald
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Casterline [mailto:rcasterline at crt.xerox.com]
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 2:19 PM
To: Ira McDonald
Subject: Linted MIB index, by date
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