I have just sent the final agenda for the IPP WG in IETF50 to the IETF
secretariat, see below.
1. Full Name BOF or WG (acronym) Internet Printing Protocol (ipp) WG
2. CHAIRs: (Full Name(s) and E-mail Address(es) ): Carl-Uno Manros,
manros at
3. AGENDA: 1) Overview of all current IPP Internet-Drafts and
where they are in the in the process
2) Review and comments on the following IPP drafts,
currently in IPP WG Last Call:
- IPP URL Scheme
- The 'indp' Delivery Method for Event Notifications
and Protocol/1.0
- The 'ippget' Notification Delivery Method for
Event Notifications
- Printer Installation Extension
3) Report from the IPP interoperability testing event
Autumn 2000
4) Future plans for IPP
The IPP WG develops protocols for printing services over the