Resend: Re: IPP> Chunked POST: SUMMARY

Resend: Re: IPP> Chunked POST: SUMMARY

Roy T. Fielding fielding at
Tue Jan 26 18:29:37 EST 1999

>> > No application should use HTTP as a transport.
>As an absolute statement, that's absurd. Everything done with HTTP is
>running applications. It is myoptic to claim that a CGI program is
>anything other than an application which uses HTTP as the transport.

The Web uses HTTP as a transfer protocol, not a transport protocol.
HTTP includes application semantics and any application that conforms
to those semantics while using HTTP is also using it as a transfer
protocol.  Those that don't are using it as a transport protocol,
which is just a waste of bytes.

This is a topic for some future IETF hallway conversation, not two
standards mailing list, so I apologize in advance for not continuing
this further.


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