IPP> Re: MOD&PRO - Wake Up Call [fix request id lower

IPP> Re: MOD&PRO - Wake Up Call [fix request id lower

Tom Hastings hastings at cp10.es.xerox.com
Mon Jan 5 16:12:13 EST 1998

At 08:47 01/05/1998 PST, Tom Hastings wrote:
>At 08:03 01/03/1998 PST, Ira Mcdonald x10962 wrote:
>>Hi Carl-Uno,
>>Do you envision conference calls (to help sort out our few
>>remaining issues and any edits that should have made it into
>>the most recent Model and Protocol specs but didn't, for
>>example the range of request-ID being '1..n' and not '0..n')?
>The Protocol document was changed in section 3.6 to make the example value
>for clients that aren't using it be the constant 1, instead of 0, 
>so that its value is a legal value as agreed to align with the Job MIB and
>the SNMP requirement not to use 0 as a table index value.
>However, the ABNF fails to specify the syntax of the request-id token.
>(0 or 1).  It should be SIGNED-INTEGER, as all four octet integers are, 
>but with some restriction on the range to be 1 to 2**31-1.
>Also I would think that section 3.6 should also include the range limits,
>as has been done for other fields.
>Also the Model document doesn't seem to mention the request-id at all,
>that I could find.  I'm not sure whether it should or not, since the
>request-id is more of a protocol mechanism.

I found where "request id" is specified in the Model document.  Its in
section 3.1.1.  In the protocol document, its called "request-id", but
is called "request id" in the Model document (which is why I didn't
find it when searching the Model document).  However, the lower bound
is still specified as 0 to 2**31-1 in section 3.1.1 in the Model document
and needs to be changed to be: 1 to 2**31-1 as agreed.

Perhaps the protocol document section 3.6 should also be fixed to mention
the "request id" in the model document as mapping to the "request-id"
in the protocol document?


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