IPP> TES Preview of Xerox Bake-Off Test Scripts

IPP> TES Preview of Xerox Bake-Off Test Scripts

Swen Johnson sjohnson at cp10.es.xerox.com
Tue Sep 22 01:29:04 EDT 1998

Bake-Off Participants,

We have placed a new directory of test scripts on the PWG server. These
scripts are a preview of the test suite that we will be bringing to the
bake-off on Wednesday 9/23. Note that these scripts use features not
supported by the current release of the IPP Server Test Tool; we will be
bringing an enhanced version of the tool to the bake-off, for use with the

We will be sharing our test tools and scripts with all bake-off
participants. The intent is to have folks run the tools on their individual
laptops. We plan to discuss the logistics of sharing scripts on Wednesday
(setup day), and will be available to provide tool- and script- related
help through Friday.

Note that the tools require the Java Development Kit, jdk1.1.6; and the
Java Foundation Clases, swing1.0.3; to be loaded onto your computer. If you
have previously installed & run the test tools from the Xerox site, then
you already have the JDK and Swing.

The suite is placed in the following location:


The README file is included below.

    Swen Johnson
    Xerox Corporate Research and Technology
    xerox-ipp-tools at cp10.es.xerox.com

This is the README file for Xerox-Basic IPP server
test suite. The script files in this suite are
executed by the Xerox IPP Server Test Tool (freely
downloadable from http://www.xerox.com/research/ipp).

This is the README file for Xerox-Pre-Bake-Off IPP
server test suite. The script files in this suite
are executed by an enhanced Xerox IPP Server Test
Tool, which will be available at the PWG IPP
interoperability testing 9/23/98 - 9/25/98.

Purpose of this Test Suite
The purpose of this test suite is to provide a
preview of the suite to be made available at the
PWG IPP interoperability testing workshop.

Updated versions of these files will be made
available during the workshop.

This test suite models test scenarios described
in the Printer Working Group's IPP Test Plan
Outline Document, version 1.1

Files Included 
    StdDefs.test            -- Standard Attribute & Operation defs
    MyPrinterDefs.test      -- You must edit this; see below
    BO21-22.test            -- Test Plan sections 2.1 & 2.2
    BO23.test               -- Test Plan section  2.3
    BO24.test               -- Test Plan section  2.4
    BO25.test               -- Test Plan section  2.5
    BO26-27.test            -- Test Plan sections 2.6 & 2.7
    BO28.test               -- Test Plan section  2.8
    BO29.test               -- Test Plan section  2.9
    TheFileToPrint.ps       -- Simple Postscript master
    README-Xerox-Pre-Bake-Off.txt  -- This file

How to Use This Test Suite 
This test suite uses features not available in the current
IPP Server Test Tool; an enhanced version of the tool will
be available at the interoperability workshop.

MyPrinterDefs.test is a place-holder file to contain
definitions specific to your printer. This is where
you specify the URI for your printer, the optional
operations you implement, etc. Copy it to another
file appropriately named for your printer, and edit the
new file by following the step-by-step instructions

Once you have edited your version of MyPrinterDefs.test
appropriately, you can run an individual test section
with a command line like the following:

   IppTest.bat -report verbose StdDefs.test MyPrinterDefs.test BO21-22.test

The file IppTest.bat invokes the IPP Server Test Tool;
it comes with the tool.

Forward comments, questions, or problems to:
  xerox-ipp-tools at cp10.es.xerox.com

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