Epilogue: Roger K deBry
Senior Techncial Staff Member
Architecture and Technology
IBM Printing Systems
email: rdebry at
phone: 1-303-924-4080
---------------------- Forwarded by Roger K Debry/Boulder/IBM on 03/19/97 07:19
AM ---------------------------
Have a set of languages supported, default is 'English'
RKD> I agree that supporting a set of languages is the
RKD> best approach. However, I'd suggest that the
RKD> default language ought to be a configuration
RKD> option.
I.e. - the following exchange might take place:
WhatLanguagues do you support???
Answer: 101 en fr sp
SendMessagesLocal= (fr en sp)
Answer: 102 <fr> oui. en francais
What happened?
Answer: 103 <en> I dunno. This error is very strange
Answer: 103 <fr> Je ne fait pas une faut! C'est les autres!
* note the above is my small nieces contribution...
RKD> In my previous note on this subject, I had suggested that
RKD> the client be able to ask for a response in a particular
RKD> language. For example:
RKD> Get Attributes
RKD> - locale for responses = french
RKD> Response
RKD> - printer location = some french text string