IPP> REQ - Scenario when printer jams and job flushes

IPP> REQ - Scenario when printer jams and job flushes

rdebry at us.ibm.com rdebry at us.ibm.com
Thu Jan 23 17:35:08 EST 1997

                   Status Distribution January 23, 1997 17:27:45

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          Initials            RK
          Name Domain         NOTES
          Native Name         CN=Roger K Debry/OU=Boulder/O=IBM at IBMUS
          Foreign Native Name CN=Roger K Debry/OU=Boulder/O=IBM\nIB
          Organization        IBM
          Org Unit 1          Boulder
          Last Name           Debry
          First Name          Roger
          DDA                 NOTES|CN=Roger K Debry/OU=Boulder/O=IBM at IBMUS


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