I now have a copy of the ISO DPA spec. (Thanks!)
The most interesting thing I've found so far is the size:
482 pages, not including the index.
It also references ISO 216, 269, 639, 646, 2022, 2375, 3166, 6429, 6937, 7350,
7498, 8571, 8613, 8822, 8824, 8825, 8859-1, 9541, 9594, 9945, 10021, 10031,
10166, 10180, 10367, 10538, 10646, 10740 and RFC 1759.
Of particular interest to us may be the references:
- Fonts from ISO 9541 (can someone tell us whether this reference
is useful for getting out of the messy problem of naming fonts?)
- Distributed Office Applications General Model from ISO 10175
I think there's a "marketplace" for the 3-page document describing the
model that *we* want to use, written by someone who understands the
DPA model and can tell us with some conviction that it fits.
Harald A