[IDS] [SC] Next IDS WG Meeting

[IDS] [SC] Next IDS WG Meeting

Alan Sukert ansukert49 at outlook.com
Thu Jul 13 19:24:08 UTC 2023

Only two persons besides myself showed up for the meeting after 20 minutes, so I cancelled the meeting.

Our next meeting will be Thursday, July 27th at the usual time.

From: Alan Sukert
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 11:25 AM
To: ids at pwg.org <ids at pwg.org>; Jeremy Leber <jeremy.leber at lexmark.com>; Kennedy, Smith (Wireless & IPP Standards) <smith.kennedy at hp.com>; Ira McDonald (blueroofmusic at gmail.com) <blueroofmusic at gmail.com>
Cc: Trent, Michael <Michael.Trent at xerox.com>; William Wagner <wamwagner at outlook.com>; graydon.dodson at lexmark.com <graydon.dodson at lexmark.com>; Matt Glockner <matt.glockner at lexmark.com>; Colunga, Gerardo <gerardo.del.colunga at hp.com>; Brian Volkoff <Brian.Volkoff at ricoh-usa.com>; Steven Young <syoung at cusa.canon.com>; rene.laan at cpp.canon <rene.laan at cpp.canon>; Lee, Kwangwoo <kwangwoo.lee at hp.com>; Cihan <cihan_colakoglu at yahoo.com>
Subject: [IDS] [SC] Next IDS WG Meeting

Just a reminder that our next IDS Working Group meeting will be tomorrow, July 13th, at the usual time 3:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM MT / 12:00 N PT. The agenda for the meeting will be:

  *   Quick status update on the HCD iTC and the HIT
Special topics on the proposed update to the EU Cybersecurity Act and the proposed NIST SP 800-171R3
  *   Round Table

Hope to see you all there.


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