[IDS] No IDS WG Meeting Tomorrow

[IDS] No IDS WG Meeting Tomorrow

ISTO-PWG Imaging Device Security workgroup discussion forum ids at pwg.org
Wed Apr 13 18:31:24 UTC 2022

I am cancelling the IDS WG Meeting scheduled for tomorrow (4/14). The reasons are:

  1.  The last two HCD iTC Meetings essentially just reviewed comments against the HCD SD 2nd Draft and finalized the FPT_WIPE_EXT proposal to address the Korean Scheme comments and send the proposal out to the other schemes for final review and buy-in.
  2.  Ira can't attend the meeting so there wouldn't be any HCD Security Guidelines update.
  3.  Because of an unexpected personal issue that has cost me the last two days and preparations for Passover that starts this Friday night I haven't had a chance to work on a special topic for tomorrow's meeting.

Because of these three things there really isn't much to discuss tomorrow. So, rather than wasting everyone's time it would be better to wait another two weeks when there will be more to discuss and I will have time to put together a special topic.

Our next meetin will be in two weeks (Thursday April 28th) at the regular time of 3PM EDT.

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