[IDS] [SC] Next IDS WG Meeting

[IDS] [SC] Next IDS WG Meeting

Alan Sukert ansukert49 at outlook.com
Wed Oct 27 14:00:34 UTC 2021

Our next IDS Working Group Meeting is tomorrow, October 28th at the usual time 3:00 PM ET / 1:00 PM MT / 12:00 N PT.

The agenda for this week's meeting will be:

  *   Review of the 10/18 and 10/25 HCD iTC Meetings
  *   Ira's Liaison Report on TSG/IETF Activities (he sent a pointer to the slides via a separate email)
  *   Preparation for next week's (11/4) IDS Session at the Nov PWG F2F Meetings
  *   Round Table

I apologize for sending the announcement out at the last minute, but the agenda for this meeting has literally changed at least 3 times over the past two days.

Hope to see you all there.


PWG Chair is inviting you to a scheduled Webex meeting.

When it's time, join the Webex meeting here.

Join meeting<https://printerworkinggroup.my.webex.com/printerworkinggroup.my/j.php?MTID=mccba6d01a141923220421f6ab5fcf3d0>

More ways to join:

Join from the meeting link

Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 126 157 2065
Meeting password:       sfUEDXS5J78 (73833975 from phones and video systems)

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