[IDS] Today's IDS Conference Call

[IDS] Today's IDS Conference Call

Murdock, Joe jmurdock at sharplabs.com
Mon Aug 25 14:47:13 UTC 2014

Hi Alan,

I have service people in the house this morning, so I won't be able to do the conference.  Ira, can you or Brian start the call, please?


From: Sukert, Alan [Alan.Sukert at xerox.com]
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 6:11 AM
To: Murdock, Joe
Subject: Today's IDS Conference Call

Joe –

I know there is a IDS Conference Call today but I will be out of the office. From my understanding it will be mainly a discussion of the new MFP Protection Profile that Brian will be leading. Can you have someone take minutes for me.


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