[IDS] HCD TNC Binding - Prototype Draft (11 April 2014)

[IDS] HCD TNC Binding - Prototype Draft (11 April 2014)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Fri Apr 11 19:50:41 UTC 2014


I've just posted another *Prototype* draft of HCD TNC Binding.

This version addresses all typos and edits from the IDS WG call
on 3 March 2014.

For review at IDS WG telecons and/or May F2F.

- clean w/ line numbers

- redlines w/ line numbers


- Ira

Change History
11 April 2014

Global - Updated cover page, headers, and footers for new date

Global - Corrected typos in previous draft

Global - Changed "PT-TLS [RFC6876]" to "IETF PT-TLS [RFC6876], per IDS WG

Global - Changed "PT-EAP [PT-EAP]" to "IETF PT-EAP [RFC7171], per IDS WG

Revised section 2.2 to add definition of Correlated Attributes, per IDS WG

Revised section 5 item 2) to delete "or OPTIONAL", per IDS WG 03/03/14

Revised section 5.1 and section 5.2 to change "[PT-EAP]" to "PT-EAP
[RFC7171]", per IDS WG 03/03/14

Revised section 6.2.2 to clarify note on omission of Patches and
StringVersion attributes in PT-EAP transport binding (due to small packet
sizes), per IDS WG 03/03/14

Revised section 10.1 to change "[PT-EAP]" to "[RFC7171]" (now in AUTH48
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