[IDS] No IDS conference call on Monday, Jan 13

[IDS] No IDS conference call on Monday, Jan 13

Murdock, Joe jmurdock at sharplabs.com
Mon Jan 13 20:43:21 UTC 2014

Make that "no objections"

From: ids-bounces at pwg.org [mailto:ids-bounces at pwg.org] On Behalf Of Murdock, Joe
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 12:36 PM
To: William A Wagner; ids at pwg.org
Subject: Re: [IDS] No IDS conference call on Monday, Jan 13

No objects (or any other comments) so it will be repackaged as a candidate standard

From: William A Wagner [mailto:wamwagner at comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 11:38 AM
To: Murdock, Joe; ids at pwg.org<mailto:ids at pwg.org>
Subject: RE: [IDS] No IDS conference call on Monday, Jan 13

I think that the Call for Objections relative to the updated Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Attributes specification was to end 6 January. Were there any objections? What is the status?
Bill Wagner

From: ids-bounces at pwg.org<mailto:ids-bounces at pwg.org> [mailto:ids-bounces at pwg.org] On Behalf Of Murdock, Joe
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2014 2:37 PM
To: ids at pwg.org<mailto:ids at pwg.org>
Subject: [IDS] No IDS conference call on Monday, Jan 13

I have another meeting I have to attend on Monday, so there will not be an IDS conference call.  Please send me any items or topic you'd like on the F2F slides and I'll start preparing the slides for the F2F meeting.

The next IDS conference call will be on Monday, January 27

Joe Murdock
Principal Engineer and Researcher
Chair IEEE/ISTO Printer Working Group Imaging Device Security
Sharp Labs of America
5750 NW Pacific Rim Blvd
Camas, WA 98607
(360) 817-7542
jmurdock at sharplabs.com<mailto:jmurdock at sharplabs.com>

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