IDS> Reminder - Telecon Thursday, October 2nd, at 1:00 PM EDT

IDS> Reminder - Telecon Thursday, October 2nd, at 1:00 PM EDT

Ron.Bergman at Ron.Bergman at
Wed Oct 1 13:13:32 EDT 2008

There will be an IDS conference call at 1:00 PM EDT (10:00 AM PDT) this 

Note the NEW Teleconference number and access code are now used.
Please contact me if you do not have the new number.

1. Identify Minute Taker 
2. Approval of minutes from 9/18 teleconference
3. Review Action Items  (see below)
4. Review latest NAP Binding Specification.
5. New business

Action Items:

1. Randy Turner will compile feedback comments from the NEA, and will 
forward them to the IDS group.

2. Joe Murdock will investigate whether a PEAP request is made to a 
switch, and then the switch makes the request to RADIUS.

3. Randy will summarize what we need to support multiple systems within an 
MFD.  He will also confirm if the NEA model supports it adequately - and 
if remediation is possible.
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